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Hi Luna, it's great to hear from you again! Your absence was definitely noticed, and I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. :)

Thank you for this guide. It lists many different things I have previously wished for, and a number of things I had never thought of! I always assumed a written narrative of my experience of harm had to take the form of either a diary entry or a public call-out, but didn't really consider the middle ground of sharing it with a few trusted individuals, and receiving some closure from having the story validated in that way.

It's also just such a relief to be told that it's okay to give up, so thank you for that! I spent years trying in vain to change a community I was part of, in hopes that the collective would get on board with efforts to prevent/address the type of harm that I'd experienced. I feel such dejection when I think about my "failure" (not actually my failure, but can feel like it), but this post offers so many ways to move forward and I love it. Thankful as always for your work. <3


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